after reading lysistrata, i have been quite intrigued about the whole concept of women out-smarting the men by using the power they have to get what they want. the women want peace, and peace they shall get when they combine power numbers and ideals. i was conversing with a fellow student about the idea and he mentioned to me that he heard of some nowaday parallels to the play. i did some research and the best example i found was recently in Brazil. nearly 30000 lives have been cut short in Brazil from urban violence and gang trends. in 2001, on Mother's day, how apporpriate, Viva Rio, an organization not associated with the government, decided to launch a campaign to combat the violence and called on the women of Brazil to step it up by using this slogan "Choose gun-free! It's your weapon or me!"
I also stumbled upon this site: http://www.lysistrataproject.org/aboutus.htm it is a great website-very interesting, informative, and even hopeful. the project began just after 9/11 and is going strong, please check it out, i think you'll enjoy it. it just goes to show the impact of such an amazing concept. yes-it's a comedy, but the idea is serious and people are applying it to serious current events and making changes.
I also stumbled upon this site: http://www.lysistrataproject.org/aboutus.htm it is a great website-very interesting, informative, and even hopeful. the project began just after 9/11 and is going strong, please check it out, i think you'll enjoy it. it just goes to show the impact of such an amazing concept. yes-it's a comedy, but the idea is serious and people are applying it to serious current events and making changes.
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