I was sad today...I have been looking forward to this day for a week and today I realized that no one even knew why today is so special...TODAY IS EARTH DAY!!!!! yes, that's right-April 22nd, 2007-EARTH DAY!!! i wish the hills were alive with the songs of earth day, but alas, the only hill that's alive with noise around here is atop peet's hill where the bulldozers are working around the clock to ensure the eager home buyers will get their subdivision special with all the views. unfortunately they are not celebrating earth day, but rather spoiling dog-walker's peace as they attempt to enjoy the long-awaited spring weather. it is no mistake that earth day is in the spring, as spring brings with it a feeling of spiritual and physical growth as the new buds form and the flowers spring up from the once frozen ground. and since we are all english literature freaks and also happen to be currently immersed in the study of classical literature, we know that the first spring, just as the first rock concert, happened many many years ago with the return of Persephone. Demeter was just so overjoyed when she finally saw her daughter again that she couldn't bear to keep the world in its permanent winter and the great goddess of the earth renewed its like and fertility. today let us celebrate the beauty of this earth and please try to remember this date. it is really important because this world is in a major state of crisis and it disappoints me so that no one even realized this date. at the coffee shop today (yes, i also work at a coffee shop...rockford coffee) i made a sign reminding people that today was a special day and asked everyone to contemplate what they do on a daily basis to reduce their footprint on this earth (i suggested to start in the morning with a reusable coffee mug instead of getting a paper cup everyday) . i will ask you all to do the same because if you don't celebrate earth day than your mom (mother earth that is...) and demeter (the goddess of the earth and mother of spring...) will get angry with you. and so will i!
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